Statement of Intent

 Section 1: Statement of Intent

For my magazine, the target audience will be teenagers over 16 and adults below the age of 24. There will not be any specific gender target audience, as I would like my magazine to be accessible to as many people within the age range as possible. My target audience is also more likely to be teenagers that are politically active or have some sort of interest in current affairs as well as worldwide politics. The target audience are likely to be mostly regular teenagers, and ones that use social media apps such as Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter, which is also where a lot of their news would come from. I would say the intended target audience would be mostly middle class and even possibly upper working class.

My magazine, The Journal, will have both print products and web pages. This allows for a more diverse audience to read the magazine as some people may not have access to the print version and some may not have access to the online version. This would also allow multiple people in one household to read the magazine at one time, especially if the household has access to the internet. The magazine will partner with other brands such as Starbucks and McDonalds to provide free coupons to he readers as these target audience could draw business for both brands taking part in this deal. There would also be deals on subscriptions to the magazine that can be found online

Both the print version of the magazine and the online version will utilise the similar blue, white and black colour palette as well as similar fonts so that the brand is recognisable no matter what platform you end up reading the magazine on. For both of the magazine prototypes I created, I kept the same colour palette but inverted the colours for both of the issues so that there is still some variety in the covers whilst also being recognisable. The layout of the magazine front covers would also be similar, with the title and the logo at the top of the page, followed by the tagline, date and issue number. Underneath this, there would be the 3 main headlines (all in the same font) and there would also be a large image in the centre of the page. For one of the prototypes, the image will be somewhat cartoony and for the other, it will be a real photo that has been take. This allows for more variety in the front cover too and stops it from looking repetitive.


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